This has to be one of my favourite all time smoothies. Acai is a deep purple fruit that can be found deep in the Amazon rainforest. Not only is it delicious, but the acai berry has many added benefits such as boosting energy levels, supporting your immune system and helping to promote a healthy digestive system. It has been known recently as a 'celebrity superfood' with many supermodels, actresses and celebrities alike, are all hot on including in their diet.
I tend to add the acai to smoothies, but it can also be added into porridge and yoghurt. You can buy the powder in most health food stores, but make sure it's 100% acai berry to get the full benefits. I used Greens Organic Freeze Dried Acai Berry Powder and I love it! Below is how I made my smoothie.
1 chopped frozen banana
Handful of frozen forest fruits (blue berries, strawberries, black berries, raspberries)
1 teaspoon acai berry powder
I didn't add this into my smoothie, but if you want a more creamy smoothie, just add a heaped tablespoon of fat free yoghurt. I then placed all the ingredients into my Nutribullet and then topped it with cold water to the maximum line. Blitzed it till it became a smoothie like texture. Pour into a jar and serve! Delish!